+1 855 372-7270


American Greenz Inc recognizes our responsibility to the local communities we serve and to the greater international environment.

We are committed to:

  • Provide our customers with high quality products and services in a timely manner conforming to the agreed specifications and/or purchase order requirements. Work closely with our manufacturing partners and subcontractors to achieve the desired conformity requirements.
  • Provide continual training to our employees so that they remain motivated and abreast with the developments in technology.
  • Prevent injuries and ill health by eliminating or minimizing risks to the employees arising from our work activities. Involve the employees on matters affecting their personal health and safety.
  • Provide and maintain safe test & measuring equipment and tools. Ensure that the employees and subcontractors using such tools are competent and given adequate training.
  • Prevent pollution to the environment wherever possible and practical with the use of nonpolluting techniques and practices. Involve the employees on environmental issues and ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Maintain a positive impact on the environment by managing used and end-of-life electronics equipment based on a "reuse, recover, dispose" hierarchy of responsible management strategies and covers management of both on-site and offsite activities.
  • Prevent the export of focus materials and hazardous electronic waste throughout the recycling chain in violation of international laws, treaties and agreements of the importing, exporting and transiting countries.
  • Improve continually the performance of the integrated management system which is based on applicable international standards.
  • Prohibit the use of child, forced, or prison labor and follow the tenants of SA 8000.
  • Comply with all applicable statutory, regulatory and other requirements while fulfilling the above commitments.
  • Communicate this Policy to the employees, customers, manufacturing partners, subcontractors and stakeholders.
  • Protection of all data that we handle and manage through our downstream recycling chain.
  • Review this Policy at regular intervals to ensure it remains aligned with the organization.